Sunday, November 14, 2010

GEN II: Chapter 9

*** Writers note : Please remember, I write the story as it comes out, okay? Most of it is by sim actions, its their story. lol Don't hate him (Chase) too much, he's a good kid.***

Jenni's garden hasn't gotten the amount of attention it should have over the past few days. She has been a little distracted. After work one afternoon she noticed all of her beloved plants leaves were wilting, and took time and care to perk them back up. Working in the dirt, pulling weeds and fertilizing, Jenni stopped thinking of past, yet recent events. Taking care of her garden was like meditation for Jenni though. It was a great way to ease her pain and help her keep her mind occupied. After she finished and her plants were happy, Jenni felt happier as well.

Inside, Crystal worked on her homework while Chase ate an early dinner. Even though they are father and daughter, the two of them do not get a long very well. Chase thinks Crystal is way to outgoing, and she gets on his nerves. Crystal thinks her father is too much of a slob, and needs to do something with his life. She never looks up to him as a good role model. Not like she did her grandfather, she adored him.

Though he hadn't made the announcement formally, Chase didn't think it necessary, he was going out for a job today. He knew just the place.

There has always been a slight curiosity about the mausoleum, and it's inner workings, for Chase. He chose to get a job there. Maybe it will be interesting for him.

Hayden had been thinking about his life a lot lately. That tends to happen when you loose a loved one. Things taken for granted get looked at again. He invited Isabel to come visit for a while.

Over the past week or two, Isabel had become quite popular. Her father happened to be famous and with all the attention he was getting, Isabel was noticed for her musical talent as well. When she came over to visit with Hayden and the family, the paparazzi followed. Hayden and her ducked inside quickly to avoid prying eyes, and cameras.

She and Hayden talked for a while, during the conversation Hayden learned that she had just lost her father the previous day, and her mother not too long before that. Isabel was happy to have Hayden there for comfort. She also returned the comforting knowing he is upset as well, just trying to be strong for his mother and family.

Hayden thought about it for a minute, and before the moment was completely up he asked her to move in with him and his family.

"I think that is a wonderful idea, Hayden." She replied "I would love to. As long as your mother does not mind."

"I don't mind!" Jenni piped in "I would love to have you here honey!"

"A big family has always been her dream, and you are part of that now." Hayden told Isabel.

It was settled, Isabel moved her things in that day. She was happy to have a new place to call home.

No one knows what really hit him, but Chase got ill that day. He spent most of his time with his head in the toilet. Jenni made him some homemade soup to help settle his stomach, but he could not hold it down either. Worried about her first son, Jenni made sure he tucked himself into bed for the night.

Damien has become pretty well known for his paintings. He has gotten very good. Someone actually called him as a representative of the local Bistro. They were looking for new artwork to hang in their restaurant, and heard about Damien. The call was for him to meet that representative and show him some of his work.

Damien met the gentleman at the gym and showed him some paintings. The man loved them and bought all of the Paintings Damien brought with him. Since he was so impressed with Damien's work, he told him they would most likely do business again soon. Damien went back to the house very happy. He always hoped that he would be a famous artist one day, and he seemed to be on his way to his dream.

Over the next few days Chase remained ill, for seemingly unknown reasons. Also, as several family members noticed, Chase would glare at his half-brother with a very unsporting look on his face. It was as if he disapproved of Hayden.

As a matter of fact he did. Chase really hated Isabel. He wants nothing to do with her, although Hayden does not know this. No one aside himself knows of his distaste for Haydens fiance`. At first he was able to contain his hatred, but as the days went by, he could not hold it in.

That afternoon, sitting there watching Hayden, Chase was overwhelmed with dislike. He stood up from his seat and ran out the door. He was not planning on returning.

Chase left quickly but still had enough time to give Isabel a dirty look as he ran by. He was moving out, without a word. Kenya, being the faithful and loving wife she is, left with him. Crystal though, refused to leave. It was not really until then that she admitted she disliked her father. She begged her mother to stay, but Kenya said she was leaving too, even though she didn't have anything against anyone. She just wanted to stay with her husband. Crystal hugged her mother goodbye then Kenya and Chase pulled out of the drive.

*This is their new home*

Isabel stood outside where there was room, and played her guitar to her hearts content. She loved music and playing her strings. The whole family enjoyed watching her play. She was very skilled. Since she was outside, she attracted attention from the local news. They snapped pictures galore and asked many questions, most of them ignored.

Jenni had been thinking for a little while that she would love to have a family cemetery. She hired some construction crews to build one, really close to home. Actually right next door. That way, if the family ever moved, at least the cemetery would mark where their lives began. The beginnings and the ends right there in the same place. As soon as the plot was ready and decorated as she wished, she moved Alan's grave into it. Though she would miss him being close to her, she had to put him to rest.

Jenni visits often to talk to Alan, and tell him everything that is going on. A few days have passed since Chase moved out, and he had sent her a letter explaining his sudden departure. She told all of this to Alan and cried hard. Jenni was upset her son moved out, but understands that if he didn't like his surroundings, he should not suffer just to live with her.

Hayden and Isabel celebrated her moving in, as only adults can. They celebrated often actually. One night around midnight, Hayden picked up the phone. He was taking his fiance` on a trip. Just a small one, to somewhere special. No one but the two of them know, but at least they will be coming back. Hayden loved his family too much to just abandon them. He would leave a note for them before they left.


  1. P.S. IF you didn't see. The pic of Chase and Kenya's new home, the house in the back (on the right) is the Fullers' house :D They didn't move far away.

  2. Why does Chase Isobel so much? Just curious...

  3. I have no idea. You know some simes have a mind of their own. I would have thought they would get a long, some traits in common and all. But I just couldn't get them to like each other.

  4. Very interesting, but then again Chase is insane, so his reasons for not liking Isabel could have been anything. Great chapter. :)
