Wednesday, September 1, 2010

GEN I: Chaper 19

Bright and early Chase is up tending to Damien's needs. He gets him out of bed and brings him down to eat his breakfast. Even though it feels a little odd to have a brother so young, he loves this little guy. Chase and Hayden get along pretty well too. Hayden is old enough to play catch and even go out to the gym, park or pool together. They are good buddies.

Everyone gets up around the same time, takes showers and has what they want for breakfast. With Damien taken care of, all of the remaining boys sat to watch some TV and chat amongst themselves while the girls go out to tend the garden. None of the guys really got into, or wanted to get into gardening. So they left it up to the professionals.

While pulling weeds Jenni noticed that Kenya was gagging, and she looked a little pale. She stood up to ask if she was okay. "Yeah, I think it was something I ate last night," Kenya replied "I have been nauseous most of the night. Don't worry about me I'll be fine." Jenni agreed to leave her be, not to bug her about it, but she was worried. A few minutes later Jenni looked up from weeding and realized Kenya was gone.

Kenya got sicker than she thought she would. She went out to help with the garden originally because she thought the fresh air would help her nausea. It didn't. She had to run to the restroom to attempt to rid herself of the bug causing the churning of her stomach. "Well there goes my breakfast" she said to herself.
Kenya spent the rest of the day relaxing, and trying to keep food and water down. She had multiple trips to the bathroom.

For everyone else, the rest of the day consisted of playing sports and tag together, also some light studying in the evening. Jenni smiled as she watched her family play together. She was very happy to see them getting along so well.

That night Kenya made a discovery. As she lay there in bed trying to fall asleep, she felt something like a muscle twitch in her stomach. She thought that odd, then thought about it for a minute. She ran into the bathroom to take a pregnancy test. It was positive. At that time she was too shocked to smile, or anything else. She just put the test in the trash and made her way back to bed. Before climbing under the covers she took a moment to rub her belly and think about it. Finally she smiled, and said aloud "I hope its a girl." She may have said it a little too loud though, Chase moaned and turned over in his sleep. Hoping she didn't wake him she left the room. She just wasn't tired anymore and she knew one person was still awake.
This is one of Damien's favorite spots to play. No one comes in here. He loves to be alone, so when he is fed and his diaper changed he can almost always be found in the laundry room playing with his blocks. Damien was sitting there quietly trying to fit the square block into the circle hole, and trying to figure out why it wouldn't go. It was nice and quiet in here, then he was startled by someone opening the door. It was Kenya. Damien smiled at her and reached his arms up "Me up, pick me up."

Kenya smiled at Damien and fulfilled his wish. She picked him up and snuggled him close, then brought him in to get a midnight snack for both of them. He laughed and giggled at her while she set him in the highchair. After Kenya served Damien his food, she ate some ice cream for herself.

After their midnight meals, Kenya brought Damien up to his bed. "I guess I'll have to get used to this," she said to Damien, "Your going to have a little nephew or niece soon little man." Damien was the only one to tell right now, and he didn't understand. She took advantage of that, saying it aloud made it more real for her, and might make it easier to tell tomorrow. She kissed Damien's forehead and left the room so he could sleep. She headed off to bed herself.

Early that morning, Kenya found herself craving pizza. Luckily they had it in the fridge leftover from the party two nights ago. It is a pregnant woman's perogative to eat what she wishes, whenever she wants it. She had the pizza while everyone else was taking showers and getting ready for the day.

After eating, and brushing her teeth Kenya went to join the rest of the family in the living room. Alan seemed to be missing though. This was the one day he went to work, she had forgotten.
Chase looked up and saw his girlfriend enter wearing clothes he had not seen before. She told him she needed to tell him something so he got up and went to her.

"Hey, Chase, you know how I was sick for a while recently?" She asked
"Yeah, " he replied "you feeling better?"
"Yes thank you, but ..."
"GOOD, cause I didn't want to catch it too" Chase interrupted. He was just about to keep talking when Kenya stopped him short and told him there was a reason behind that illness that he couldn't catch.
"I'm pregnant," she confessed "We are going to have a baby."
Chase was shocked. After a moment of taking it in he said "Wow, that's awesome. We have been trying for months though, I thought we couldn't."
"I know, my best guess is we conceived the morning before we moved in here."
Jenni had been sitting not to far away and overheard their conversation. She did not want to interrupt so she smiled to herself and thought "Oh wonderful, a new baby. A grand baby. This is so exciting! I am so happy for the two of them." She kept that all to herself though until they were ready to talk about it. She wasn't even sure they knew she heard.

After a few minutes the soon to be parents sat down to talk. First they told Jenni they were expecting. Mostly Kenya did the talking, Chase was watching TV. Then Kenya looked at Chase and said "You need to get a new job. This gig at the grocery store just isn't going to cut it, and we can't live off of your mother and Alans charity forever."
Chase looked a little startled at being addressed so curtly. A job? He was a couch potato, he didn't want to get a real job. His mind had wandered into a new track, "How will I find time to do nothing if I'm busy working?"

"CHASE!" he heard.
"Huh? Oh, right a job yeah." Chase muttered almost inaudibly.
"Yes, I was saying that politics might be good for you, I mean you'd have to study up on your charisma skills, but you should consider it."
That ended the job conversation. They finally went back to silence, and Kenya cuddled up to Chase.

** They look so cute don't they?!

That very afternoon Chase went out and got a job, because his girlfriend would not leave him alone otherwise. He did get a job in politics and right away started reading about how to speak to a crowd, and how not to stutter when speaking.

Hayden's friend Isabel came home from school with him that day. Jenni caught her outside and said hello, she cracked a joke about family and learned that Isabel and her had that in common. They were both family oriented. She invited Isabel inside to have lunch, Isabel accepted.

After lunch the high schoolers went out back to hang out on the jungle gym and play some catch. They played well into the evening.

Meanwhile, everyone else was inside having their own fun. Kenya and Chase were just chatting on the bed, when suddenly they both disappeared under the blankets.

So Chase could get some sleep for work the next day, Kenya left the room and went into one of the spare bedrooms to read her new book about pregnancy 'Totally Preggers'. She had gotten it from Jenni.

Outside, there was a little more going on. Hayden had found himself more and more interested in Isabel, and what she was all about. He began wondering if she was available to date. Being a brave type, he didn't wonder very long before he just asked. She told him she was single, not in any relationship.

"Well I'm not sure why, your a very pretty young woman." Hayden admitted "Other men just must not see that."
Isabel hugged him, he was being sweet. "Or maybe I am just holding out for someone special" she said. Isabel told him it was time for her to go, it was getting pretty late, and she still had not done her homework.

Hayden noticed her turning to go, and just before she could he kissed her. A shy little kiss, as he was unsure if it would be accepted. She smiled at him as if to say it was, and turned to go.
Hayden had his first crush. He thinks he is in love.

After saying his goodbyes he went and did his own homework while everyone prepared for bed. Then slipped off to sleep himself.
**Writers note : I just want to reiterate, most of this story blooms on its own, you know free will and all. Chase and Kenya's pregnancy was not planned (but I'm so excited :) lol) They were pregnant when they moved in I guess. Neither was Haydens relationship with Isabel.


  1. AWWWW YAY HAYDEN! Oh and Kenya and Chase!

  2. O_O I love unexpected pregnancies! It always makes things interesting; Kenya & Chase make a good couple. I just hope Chase can get over that couch potato trait of his...

    Isabel & Hayden are so cute together, can't wait to see what life has in store for them.
