Monday, November 12, 2012

A bug among us - Ch 1.6

The next day, as I had promised myself, I walked out of work and whipped out my phone. Velina was right behind me, and as I pushed speed-dial number 2 and put the cell to my ear, she waved goodbye with a smile. I thought that was a little odd, she wasn't normally so friendly. Then again after that whole thing at my fishing hole, she's different toward me. I think she is trying to become friends.

The phone rang only twice before Nicholas picked up. "Hey Rosebud. What's going on?"

Rosetta could hear his mischievous grin in his voice. She pictured his face, and that smile, then the reasons behind it. Instantly she felt a heat in her abdomen and nearly forgot her reasoning for removing herself from his sights.

"Hey, uh... Nicholas can I come over for a bit?"

"Of course Rosey, you're getting off work aren't you? I'm actually just around the block, I'll have my taxi pick you up. See you in two minutes."

Before she could even say anything else, she heard the disconnecting click on the line and knew he was gone. Exactly a minute and a half later, a taxi pulled up and Nicholas opened the door from the inside and scooted over to allow her entry as well.

She settled in and closed the door, the moment she was still Nicholas leaned forward and advised the driver of the new destination. He turned back and smiled at Rosetta, his 'knowing' grin was back. Rosetta tried to smile naturally in return but felt short of breath. The tension held thick in the backseat of that car. This was not going to go the way she had planned.

The last part of the car ride was a blur, just as much as going into his house was. The next thing Rosetta knew and recognized was being on a bed and kissing Nicholas again. Pretty soon clothes were being flung around the room.

Even though it was a quick roll in the hay, to Rosetta it felt just as amazing as the night before. Maybe even better, because it confirmed that the previous night had not been a dream at all.

Twenty minutes later both parties lay on their backs catching their breath. Nicholas got up and put his pajamas on, while Rosetta pulled her undergarments on and fixed her hair. Nicholas laid back on the bed, just relaxing and watched Rosetta. She sat on the edge of the bed.

"Nicholas, I can't do this anymore." She didn't turn around but she could feel his eyes on her back. "Not that wouldn't be fun... really fun... to continue this but, I'm interested in someone else so ... yeah. Anyway, I'm off the market for you." She stood up to get dressed the rest of the way, trying hard to avoid his eyes. She feared that he might somehow bewitch her yet again and she would fail at her objective.

Nicholas smiled, "Hey no worries Rosebud I get it. I know how it goes. Just remember," He had stood up and approached Rosetta, cupping a hand around her chin and bringing her face up to look at him he said, "If there's ever anything that you need, come visit me, I'll take care of you." He smiled again and kissed her cheek before letting her by so she could get to the bathroom to clean up and finish dressing.

Wow. The was the best goodbye I've ever had. It was also a lot easier than I had imagined it would be. Maybe it went over well because we were both so relaxed. Half glad and have sad it's over before it really began. Of course he left it open, I bet I could call him any time day or night and he'd be there. Good to know, in case things don't go well with David. David!

Rosetta was shocked to see, as she approached her house, that David was standing on the porch and had just rung her doorbell.

"Hey!" She said from the front yard.

David turned around, surprised to find her behind him. "Oh hey. I just figured I'd come over for a visit, I just got back from a tour. Is it too late?"

Rosetta beamed. "No not at all. Come on in, as long as you don't mind some Stu Surprise, I'm starving."

David and Rosetta went inside, into the kitchen. Rosetta pulled out all the ingredients for her dish as David talked to her. Mostly he told her about his tour, the shows and the crowds. She smiled and spoke up when she had something to say. She really enjoyed his company and was thoroughly happy that he showed up that night. When dinner was finished that sat down and ate together. David complemented her cooking, she thanked him and admitted that it was actually her favorite meal.

Him being here is so great, it's so comfortable. What's funny is when we finished eating he picked up our dishes without asking and washed them while I took care of putting away the leftovers and wiped the counter. It was so easy, so natural. I could see us doing this all the time. I didn't really want him to leave, and he actually got that 'I should go home it's getting late' look, so I invited him to play a game of Dominoes on my new board. I know that game can take a while.

David agreed to play a game with her before heading home. The two of them sat down and picked out their pieces, he told Rosetta to go first.

"You know, I'm happy you came tonight, I wasn't really in the mood to be alone. So, thanks." Rosetta admitted.

David smiled at her. "The pleasures all mine Rose, really. You're my best friend you know, I love hanging out with you." He laid down his first domino. "I think I'm going to start doing some shows in town. If I do you'd come see me perform right?"

Rosetta laid down her next piece while she said, "Of course! I'd love to watch. I've actually not seen any magicians, only acrobats and singers. I bet you can do loads of things can't you?"

"Hey now, no high expectations, I'm still a beginner you know." David laughed. "I'm not yet as good with magic as I am with catching flies or arguing with myself."

Rosetta laughed with him. The two kept up random conversation as the game went on. Unfortunately it ended before she was ready for it to. David got up and excused himself to the bathroom. A wave of nausea came over Rosetta for a moment, she had to sit on the couch to make it pass.

David came out of the bathroom and saw her sitting on the couch. He noted that she looked a little pale. "You okay Rose? You don't look so good." He sat down next to her.

"Oh," Rosetta took a breath. "I'm fine. I don't know maybe I stood up to fast."

"Ah, well it's a good thing you sat back down then, cause you know, I was in the bathroom so if you had to puke - you would have done it on the carpet. Big mess. Wouldn't want that would we?"

Rosetta laughed aloud, David joining in. "No I guess not." Without even thinking about it, she threw her arm over him and pulled him closer. "You know, I might have made you do it, saying that I was just 'too sick' to!" She and David laughed some more.

"Oh I don't think so, and in that case - if you are sick," David stood up, "I better get out of here!" He was mostly joking, but Rosetta stood up in a flash and she grabbed his hands.

"No no. Please stay, you're making me feel better." She said with wink. "Actually, would you stay here the night with me? I mean, I have a sleeping bag here. It's kind of late to drive all the way to the other side of town anyway."

David glanced out of the window and back at Rosetta. "Well you're right about that. I didn't realize so much time had passed. Sure I'll stay, thanks for inviting me."

Rosetta made two small cups of coffee for David and her. The night air carried a slight chill, and she figured it would warm them up a bit. The two of them drank it over another game of dominoes. David won the first game of the night, and his winning streak stuck with this one as well. He was the first to admit his sleepiness and it made Rosetta feel a bit bad that she had kept him up so long. She pulled out the sleeping bag for him and fluffed it. David turned and gave her a warm hug before telling her goodnight.

Rosetta walked toward her room but paused in the doorway and watched David tuck himself in. She smiled at the sight, but kind of wished he would sleep in the bed with her. Suddenly she felt like she needed his protection. With a sigh she climbed into her own bed and pulled the blankets up to her chin. She took a deep breath and sighed again thinking about the man in the next room. Rosetta rolled over on her side and fell asleep.

She didn't sleep long though. About two hours after she laid down, Rosetta had to get up, throw on her clothes and get to the bathroom. She had to throw up. As she was hunched over the toilet she hoped that David couldn't hear her, and he wouldn't wake. She really didn't want him to see her in this position. Thankfully he was still sleeping like a rock when she snuck back to her own room after brushing her teeth.

The next morning, Rosetta was taking a shower when David woke. He was sitting in the living room when he heard a strange rustling sound coming from Rosetta's room. Curiosity overcoming him, David ventured in her bedroom and found a tank with a little turtle running around in it. He chuckled at the hard shelled animal before turning to leave. Rosetta's diploma caught his eye and he stood to read it.

Just then Rosetta came in the room. She smiled at David. "Good morning. How did you sleep?"

"Actually I slept better than I have in a while, I might have to get me a sleeping bag for my own bed!" David said, chuckling. "Thanks for letting me stay, I know you have to get to work, so I'll see myself out." He pulled her into a tight hug and said, "I had a really great time with you. Maybe we can do that again soon."

"Definitely." Rosetta agreed, for a moment she lost herself in his eyes. Then the carpool's horn honked her out of that trance. "Uh, yeah I do have to get to work. Call me okay?"

Rosetta and David walked out of the front door together, and he opened the car door for her to get in. He closed it and she pulled away before he called his own taxi to go home. David actually couldn't wait to see her again and he was already thinking of things to do with her when he did.

To be continued...


  1. So Nicholas is THOSE type of guy. Glad she got rid of him.
    David is so cute and sweet <3
    She puked...she's know...omg!
    Like always can't wait for the next one <3

  2. I have only two words to say about the "bug"...uh, oh! lol

  3., it doesn't look good for Rose here. I believe we're all getting the same impression. I hope she's just eaten something off is all. 0_o
