Sunday, January 13, 2013

Party People - 5.10

After the normal routine of showers, breakfast and gardening, Rosetta was in the den helping her fiance` with his magic act. David had recently been promoted and given another accessory for work called the Box of Mystery. The first trick he was practicing he named 'The Swords of Destiny' and that is what the two of them were working on. Rosetta hesitantly stepped into the box and ran her hands along the walls, just looking. When David closed the door, trapping her in, she got a little nervous.

Rosetta heard David on the outside, she then heard metal rubbing up against the wood. In front of her appeared a sword blade making her gasp. A few short moments later she heard another slide of metal on wood. Suddenly she was poked in the side and it hurt, so she squealed.

"Oops." David said. "Guess I grabbed the non-collapsible sword."

Rosetta growled under her breath as she waited for the pain to ebb away and for David to let her out of the box. When he did, she shot him a dirty look. "You be sure to practice that on some one else for a while." She snarled at him.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to." David tried to keep a straight face, but after a while, couldn't resist the tiniest bit of a chuckle. "Really, I am sorry. Forgive me?"

Rosetta conceded as David hugged her. "Forgiven, but not forgotten - not for now anyway." She said. She smiled at him and winked before she went outside to get the mail, leaving him to continue practicing other tricks.

Just as Rosetta stepped out of the door, her cellphone rang. It was Sonia.

"Well I hope you're ready! Your 5 closest girlfriends, myself at the top of course, will be at your house tonight. The party starts at 5, so kick him out of the house and be ready for us."

"Wha..what? What are you talking about?" Rosetta asked, slightly concerned. She wasn't sure she approved of her best friend throwing a party at her own house without knowledge of it before hand.

"Oh silly woman! You've been engaged for two months now girl, and I know your wedding is soon! You gotta have a bachelorette party!" Sonia enthused. "Nothing drastic of course, just girls having fun is all. Don't panic."

"Dear spirits, Sonia you didn't. Well. A small party is fine I guess, but NO male-strippers!" She paused for a second before adding, "or female ones either."

On the other end of the line Sonia laughed. "Okay, okay, party pooper. I had made some calls but I'll 'unhire' him. Geesh."

Rosetta hung up the phone and sighed. She got the mail, as she had originally come out to do, then went back to ask her fiance` if there was some way he could make himself scarce that coming evening. He told her that he had some plans anyway, he was going to hop around town interviewing with random Proprietors trying to find a gig or two to work for. He decided, since she needed him gone a while, he would go to eat and maybe swim for a little bit as well. Rosetta thanked him for being so understanding and kissed him.

When David left, Rosetta got busy in the kitchen. She made some hamburgers, cheeseburgers, and a key lime pie. She also made sure to set a bowl of candy out for the guests. Just as soon as she set the last of the plates out, there was a knock at the door. The ladies piled in, bringing even more food with them. Pretty soon the kitchen was loaded - salads, dim sum, the burgers she made, a pie, and some spaghetti that Sonia brought. Most of the things were meatless for the vegetarians, but Rosetta hadn't thought of that before making cheese burgers. In addition to the food there were drinks to be had. Each girl apparently brought their own bottle of champagne as well.

The ladies all stood around talking for the first five minutes, introducing one another to people they might not have known, or just general 'How have you been?' catch up conversations. After the chatter died down a bit everyone made their way to the kitchen to chow down on the plethora of delicious dishes.

After the food came a toast to the bride-to-be, given of course by her best friend.

"Well, thanks for coming every one. You know, I had a hot little dancer hired, but some stuck up lady told me no. Sorry about that. Anyway, here's to the bride-to-be - Rose, I've been your friend for a while now and I have to say - I'm happy that you found someone so awesome to settle in with. I've been searching too, and ain't no body worth my time." Sonia winked and smiled, "Anyway girl I'm happy for you. I wish you many blissful years with the perfect man you found. Just be careful, you ever drop him and I'll be there to pick him up." She winked again and pulled out a bottle of champagne.

Sonia shook up the bottle and aimed it at Rosetta, who was intensely protesting about being soaked again. One of her other friends had already gotten her once in the bathroom soon after the party started and she was still a little sticky from that time. When Rose saw that she was really going to get sprayed no matter what, she made the best out of it and opened her mouth to try and catch as much as she could. Sonia popped the cork and champagne went everywhere, mostly though right in Rosetta's face. All the watching girls laughed and cheered. Then they broke out their own bottles and started spraying one another. Finally the laughter died down and towels were passed around for the ladies to dry up.

One or two of them women left the party early because they had to work the next morning. Rosetta gave hugs and thanks to any that were planning to leave. The remaining party members sat on the couch in the den to watch a scary movie.

David came home then, but noting that the party was still going on, he snuck right into the bedroom to go to bed. Due to it being a highly intense time in the movie, no girl saw his passing.

Sonia was the first one to fall asleep, right there in the chair, while she was watching the movie. For a minute, the rest of the girls though about painting her face, or putting shaving cream in her hand before tickling her nose. They decided against it though and watched the film the rest of the way through, pulling no pranks. Once the credits rolled all the ladies pulled out their own sleeping bags and found a spot on the floor so they could crash too. Rosetta was nice enough to wake her best friend from the chair and help her set up a sleeping bag.

Rosetta bid all her friends goodnight after thanking them for coming over. She crawled into bed next to her fiance`, who was snoring lightly, and smiled before going to sleep.

Just a few days later, Rosetta and David were planning a birthday party for the man of the house.

David was on the way to the grocery store when he saw his brother walking across the road, so he stopped to greet him.

"Hey man! How ya been? How are the girls?" David asked

"Hey hey David! I'm good, the girls are good too, they've grown so much. Teenagers already, I can't believe it. How are you? I mean, I know you're all moved in with Velina's friend Rose and all, how's that couple's life treating you?"

"Oh, it's great. Life's good. We're getting married soon, real soon. Just a couple weeks away actually. Speaking of, you're invited. It'll be at the chapel. Also, I'm having a birthday party tonight that you must attend. You can bring Olivia and Layla if you want to, if they don't have school work or anything."

The two of them stood on the sidewalk and talked for a while. Logan spoke about his family and David about beginning his own. Logan eventually said he had to go, that he had actually been on his way to work when David had stopped him. "Of course, catching up with my brother is way more important than sitting around a firehouse reading a book!" Logan stated. He hugged David before continuing on his way.

David got back in the truck and went to the grocery store where he purchased his own cake and some random things for dinners the remainder of the week. After checking out he headed back home. Already on the porch were his sister in law Velina and Sonia, they had just arrived.

David asked Velina where her daughters were, that it would have been nice to see them.

"Oh, they had way too much school work to do and couldn't make it." Velina frowned slightly and sighed before continuing, "Actually they are seriously slacking in that department and the report cards I get reflect it! They probably aren't even doing it now."

"Oh, well I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully they get back on track." David was about to say something else when a man came up on the porch.

"Hey, I heard there was a party here tonight, mind if I join in the fun? I'm a friend of Rosetta's." It was Nicholas.

David was a little confused about how this man would have heard about a party but shrugged it off. He told Velina to go ahead inside, that he would be in soon. Then turned to the stranger and offered his hand.

"Hey, any friend of Rose's is a friend to me." He said. "Nice to meet you..."

"Nicholas. I'm Nicholas Riverhawk."

"Ah, I've heard the last name before. Yeah, feel free to come in, there's plenty of food to go around."

David noticed that even though this guy seemed nice enough, he appeared rather grumpy about something. He figured it wasn't his business though, and let it slip through his thoughts.

Imagine my surprise when I finish putting my veggie burgers together and turn around with my own plate to find myself nearly face to face with someone I was hoping to never really see again. Especially not in my own home. My heart fluttered, putting 3 or four extra beats where they didn't belong. Then it felt like it totally stopped when his gaze fell upon mine. Memories started flooding in, ones I thought I had blocked out over the last few months.


I shook my head slightly and walked to the table. Though yes, I am a bit uncomfortable, and now a little warmer than I was, I have to ignore him. All together. What's he even doing here? Just smile and nod right? I don't want to go down that path again. When I glanced at the table, about to sit down, I noticed that the only two chairs left were next to each other. Great. Now I even have to sit by him.

Everyone chatted while they ate, talking amongst themselves. Everyone seemed pretty comfortable with one another, and knew each other. Except for Nicholas. He was a bit out of place. Sonia had met him once or twice, but she also knew well about him and Rosetta. Even she seemed a bit uncomfortable by his presence. She kept giving him sideways glances as if to make sure he was still in his chair and not trying anything inappropriate.

Rosetta had woofed her burger down as quick as she could. She had been near the last to sit, but the first to finish. She got up and went to the fridge to get the birthday boy his cake. She smiled as she set it on the counter and lit the candles. She thought of how much she loved David, and was happy he was around. Then, as she was lighting the candles she realized how much younger he was than her. For a second she felt like she was robbing the cradle.

"Time for the real party to start!" Rosetta said, addressing the table. Every one laughed and stood up to sing to David and watch him blow out his candles.

Rosetta's eyes drifted to Nicholas, wondering how long he was going to be there, she noticed he seemed pretty down. She thought maybe that he had come here for, well a reason other than to celebrate. Then perhaps when he realized what was going on, asked to join in the festivities. Rosetta was sure to plant a kiss on David, and have her hands on him frequently so as to pass the message that she was taken and not interested in anyone else. After the second kiss she gave David, Nicholas decided to excuse himself and left the party.

It was a week later, Rosetta and David, mostly the former, had been very busy with wedding plans. Today was Rosetta's final fitting for her dress.

Rosetta left the house after kissing David goodbye. He had asked if she was sure she didn't want some company when she picked up her dress. Rosetta wasn't big on the old traditions of marriage, such as spending the night before her wedding away from the groom, but she didn't want him seeing her gown until the day of their matrimony.

Ladies at the salon helped her into her dress and left her to look at it. Rosetta stared at herself in the mirror. The dress was lovely, and fit well, she loved it. She even adored the new glasses she bought to match. Her hair was done up the way she planned for the big day as well, and looked good.

Wow. I never really thought I'd see this day coming. David is such a good man. Am I the right woman for him? I hope I make him happy. He seems happy. He wouldn't have asked me to be his wife if he wasn't right? Am I good enough for him? What's wrong with me? I'm scared. Everyone gets nervous before they are wed right?

She was suddenly reminded of the nightmare she had two months ago. Rosetta stood and stared at herself for over three hours. Her mind reeling. Finally she sighed deeply and asked for assistance getting her dress off. She packed it up and brought it home with her. The wedding was just a day away, everything was ready.

David was the first to arrive at the chapel, leaving Rosetta to get ready at home. It was only an hour later though, that she met him there. He had already set out all the food, and checked all the decorations. He was just setting out the cake when she walked through the doors.

Smiling wide at his bride-to-be, David said, "You look so lovely. I feel under-dressed! Let me get my swim trunks on." He turned toward the dressing room when she grabbed his arm.

"Don't you dare. You look more handsome than ever." She wrapped her arms around her groom and kissed him passionately. "You ready?"

"I've been ready for months now. I already feel married to you in my heart and head, so today is just making it official for everyone else." David said, grinning at her.

The door to the chapel opened just then and Logan stepped through, followed quickly by Cassidy, the first woman Rosetta had met after she moved to this town. It was nice to have her here. Rosetta had invited her not only as a friend, but also hoping she would prove to be a distraction for Nicholas - whom she had also invited.

She and David greeted their first two guests. The door opened again and Nicholas came in, Sonia was also standing there with her hand on her hip. She looked displeased at the fact that Nicholas was there and gave Rosetta a confused look.

Everyone that came mingled about for a few minutes, talking to the bride and groom and amongst themselves. It wasn't long though before the ceremony started. Rosetta and David walked up to the arch together while everyone gathered in the chairs to watch.

 Once everyone was comfortable, David looked at Rosetta and smiled. "Shall we?"

She smiled back and nodded her head.

Reaching down to take her hands David said aloud. "Rosetta, I promise to love and honor you in all ways, for all time."

The look in Davids eyes when he spoke his words near brought her to tears. She knew he meant it, every syllable. He slipped the the wedding ring on her finger.

It's my turn. Oh crap. I forgot what I was going to say. Dear spirits help me remember. I love that he said 'for all time' instead of until death do us part. He makes it sound like he'll love me past the element of life. What was I going to say? I don't KNOW!!!! Oh.Rosetta took his hand, "David, I give my word to be your best friend and companion through the journey that is life. I love you now and always."

Rosetta placed the ring on his finger as quickly as she could so as not to allow her shaking hands to be exposed for too long. She wrapped her fingers back around his when she slid it home. She gazed at him and smiled, before he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

The guests stood and cheered as the new couple sealed their vows with a kiss. Each threw confetti or rice randomly and clapped. When the noise settled, Logan called everyone over to him so he could offer some words to his beloved brother and his new sister in law.

"May the faith and power of love, bond you two eternally. I hope you are like one single soul, residing in two bodies. I'm happy for you my brother, and wish you both a grand life."

David thanked him with a hug and a pat on the back. "Who knew you could speak such beautiful words, I never knew you had it in you!" He joked. "Lets eat this food and then cut come cake, I'm starved."

Everyone gathered ate more than their fill from the buffet table even before they cut into the red velvet wedding cake. Even though everyone was already stuffed to the brim, most people said that the cake was too delicious and went back for a second slice. No doubt all the guests gained about ten pounds just from coming to the wedding.

After finishing up the food and some more conversation, the dancing started. At first it was only Rosetta and David, but soon others joined in.

From across the room, Nicholas eyed the new couple. He was judging for himself how close they seemed to be. He steamed with jealousy, though tried not to show it. As long as he could remember he had closed his heart off to women as much as he could. Though he wasn't sure how or why, Rosetta had wormed her way through a crack in his walls. He had fallen for her, but she hadn't for him. Not the way he wanted anyway. She loved another. It didn't matter. His ego was starting to flare. She would be back, they always come back.

After the party ended, Rosetta and David went straight home. For a while, they snuggled on the bench on their front porch.

"Did you have a good time my love?" David inquired.

"I did, very much. I trust you did too?" She watched as he nodded. She smiled at him.

"I think our guests did too. A few of them, my brother included, appeared to need a bucket truck to get him out of there though, he ate so much food his pants were unbuttoned!"

Rosetta laughed. The sound of it filled the silence of the night air. It lifted David's heart. He leaned over and kissed her lightly. Then he used his tongue to part her lips slightly and kissed her more deeply. She wrapped him in her arms tightly and felt muscles bunching up beneath his clothing. David was not very bulky but the muscles he did have were hard and tight. Rosetta didn't think he had an ounce of fat on his body anywhere.

He stood up and took her hands, helping her up too.

David slowly helped Rosetta out of her dress. He kissed her neck as he slipped it off, letting it pool around her ankles. Rosetta felt his fingertips caressing her sides, nearly tickling her, running down her hips and back up again. She turned and kissed him firmly while she worked at removing his clothing. He had more on, and it took a little longer to expose his warm flesh for her to touch, but the wait only made the urge stronger. She longed for him so. It had been a very long time for her and she was actually a little nervous for this to finally be happening.

For him not having done any of that before, that was simply amazing. Maybe it was just different than I had ever experienced or something - but it's definitely not a period of time I'll ever forget. David's touch is so gentle, so perfect. His kisses so warm. My skin still tingles at the memory of his hands on me.Rosetta rolled over and looked at her husbands sleeping face.

So handsome, and so innocent looking. His features are still so young. I wish age was as generous to me. I'm getting old already and it shows! My birthday isn't far away, just a few more weeks. I'm going to be really old then. I don't think I'm ready for that! Middle aged... those words burn my tongue.

The sun's just coming up. He'll be awake soon. Let me wake him up nicely...

To be continued...


  1. Amazing update hon i absolutely loved it. I didn't like that Nicholas was there i don't like Nicholas at all. But the wedding was absolutely beautiful and i loved her wedding vows. Many good wishes to the happy couple. I cannot wait to see their little ones. And hurray for her finally getting some LOL

  2. Beautiful wedding! <3 Well, that's just too bad for Nicholas. David's by far a better catch. I agree with Sonia, I'm excited to see new...Fuller babies!! Yay! :D Wonderful to see an update, hun. Great job, as always.

  3. Lovely wedding :) Yes, Nicholas is a player, she doesn't need him, David is so dear. If she's going to be old in a couple weeks she'd better get cracking on having a baby! :o

  4. Loved it :) the wedding was beautiful,though I wonder if someone is going to make certain unwanted gestures as his jealousy grows...and little Fuller babies!!
