Friday, March 9, 2012

GEN IV: Chapter 27

Jennifer started the day by making pancakes for anyone interested. Mainly for herself and Logan, but she made more than needed, so offered them to other tourists as well. Logan came in and told her that it smelled delicious and was just speaking about his odd dreams the night before when a tourist appeared.

"I hope to the Gods you didn't put any apples in there. I'm allergic to apples." That was all he said before he turned on his heel and strode out of the kitchen.
"Okay. Whatever." Logan said to the empty space where the man previously stood.

Jennifer laughed and put the serving plate on the counter. She and Logan grabbed their plates and went to sit down.
"I actually want to go see the Garden today, if that's alright with you, if you do not have any other plans." Jennifer said.

"Oh. A garden huh?" Logan said, sounding slightly dubious. "Alright then, no I did not have other plans."
The two of them finished up their breakfast used the washroom before they left. When they reached the garden, there was only one other person there.

"How often do you see someone using a telescope in the middle of the day?" Logan asked.
Jennifer laughed lightly, "Not often, and to be honest - I do not think he is looking at the sky."
"Ah, yeah. I guess not."
Logan and Jennifer climbed up to the top of a bridge in the middle of the garden to get a better view. Jennifer was admiring the beauty and peacefulness of the area, while Logan apparently looked for something to do.

"Oh look, a chessboard! Let's play." He said.

Jennifer smiled at her busy body brother, "Sure. I'll even wager §20 that I win."

"Oh I will totally take that bet."

The two of them stayed in that garden playing chess for the entire afternoon, only stopping to use the bathroom or have a snack.

Jennifer only looked up when the sun started to set. "Logan, we should get back. Tomorrow is our last day. I'd like to go exploring again before we leave, and get an early start. So that means getting to bed on time. Let's go."
Logan's eyes lit up when she mentioned exploring, even if it meant sleeping early, he was all for it. On the way back to base camp, Jennifer took lots of pictures.
Most of her pictures were of the landscape, and beautiful sunset. There was one picture though, she was happy she got, of a Peregrine Falcon. She was really surprised that the animal sat still long enough for her to get a shot.
Logan and Jennifer both tried to get to sleep, but neither could. They decided to take a walk, not together but each going their separate ways. There were some ruins close by that Logan wanted to look at , and Jennifer just wanted to walk along the road.

Jennifer was very shocked to see that the Falcon she had taken a picture of was still exactly where she'd left him before. When she looked closer, she noticed that he was caught in some kind of weed. Feeling pity for the poor creature, she attempted to free him. Luckily she didn't get bit and the Falcon actually seemed to like her. After she untangled his feet, she offered her arm for the bird to hop on - and he did. Jennifer was delighted, she stroked it's head and started chatting to it. Before the Peregrine Falcon flew away, she even named him "Took".
Logan ran to precisely where he wanted, but was slightly disappointed in what he found. He thought maybe there would be something interesting, or possibly a trap door leading somewhere exciting. What he found was nothing of the sort, only some old rocks crumbling away under the effect of time.

He got bored quickly and headed back to camp. On his way he considered why they called it a 'camp', it was more like a hotel to him. He thought of camping as sleeping in tents, and having no bathroom. Not lying on a mattress surrounded by walls and a roof.  'Not that I'm complaining' he said to himself 'I'd much prefer the 'hotel' over a tent.'
When he arrived he saw Jennifer just finished up some Macaroni and Cheese, and picking up the kitchen. Logan wondered for a moment why she even bothered. 'Don't they have people for that?' he thought.
Just as Jennifer was about to pick up a dirty plate that someone had left there since that morning, her cell phone rang out loudly, startling her slightly. She pulled it out of her pocket and pushed 'talk' to answer.


"Jennifer, it's dad."

She smiled, "Oh hey, what's up? We are flying out tomorrow night, I actually can't wait to be in my own bed."

"Well, actually that's why I called. We need you to come home a little early."

"Dad, why? What's going on? Is everything okay?"

"No actually, it's Johanna. She's.." Brian went silent for a heartbeat. "She's drowned, Jenn. She's gone."

Jennifer was stricken speechless. "Oh. Wow. Well. Uh, how is Carla?"

She heard Brian sigh on the other end of the line. "We'll talk about that all when you get here okay? Just, come home. We would like you to be here for the funeral we are planning in a couple of days."

"Of course, yes, we'll be on the next flight out."

Jennifer disconnected the line, and stared into space for
"Well, Logan." She started, "We won't be going exploring tomorrow, we're going home now. I'm going to call and get a ride to the airport. Something happened at home. Aunt Johanna died. So we need to go be with the family."

Logan was taken aback. He threw up his hands and said "Well what the hell happened?"

Jennifer shook her head, "I'm not sure, but dad said she drowned."

Jennifer and Logan made the needed phone calls to get into the air as soon as possible.

Unfortunately the first flight out was late morning, and after a 14 hour flight they got home after everyone was in bed. They decided to go to sleep as well, since they were completely beat. They were asleep before they blankets even warmed from their body heat.
The next morning, Brian woke and got David up for his bottle. Still in his underwear Brian carried the baby to the downstairs crib so he did not wake Adelaide.

He went to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast. He made enough for 5 because he was sure that he had heard Logan and Jennifer come home last night.

Pretty soon the dining room was full of the sounds of silverware clinking on plates.
Brian spoke to Jennifer and Logan, "Well, from what I understand, Dylan found out that Johanna drowned at the local pool. Carla was the only one who knew in the family. She came over early yesterday morning to tell us about it. She had figured that our family here had had a hard enough time already with, " he paused, and gave a quick glance at Adelaide before continuing. "With your mom's passing. So she thought she would spare us the second wave of grief, just for a bit."

"I understand why Carla did what she did, do not fault her for that. She's only a teenager and just lost her mother. Her emotions were unstable, probably still are. How are you dad? Are you doing okay?" Jennifer asked.

Brian looked at his plate. "I'm okay I guess. Maybe it hasn't sunk in all the way. I need to call everyone, invite them over for a service for her. We do not have an urn, or gravestone unfortunately, Carla has placed that in the family cemetery already. That's okay though, not a problem. I'll make the arrangements in just a little bit and have it tonight."
Brian did just as he said and called the family over, also a few shared friends between himself and Johanna. Just after he hung up, Adelaide wrapped him in a hug. He smiled and thanked her, saying that she felt better than she probably imagined.

"I'm going to go change." Adelaide said, "Let me know if you need something okay?"

Brian nodded, then turned to pick up David.
A few minutes later Adelaide came back down the stairs and saw Brian playing with the baby. She waved at the infant, though she wasn't sure if he saw her. The sight of her two favorite guys together warmed her heart.

"Brian, honey? Do you want me go ahead and fill up the buffet table? We'll need some comfort food I am sure."

"Yes, please. Everyone will be here in about two hours so it will be okay to set it out now."

Right on time, the guests started to arrive.
Logan greeted many of the guests, and Brian brought plates of food to a few people, Dylan included. Everyone paid their respects to the family, and offered their help if needed. People were slightly disappointed that there was no center to focus the grief upon, but when they learned that Johanna's marker was already in the cemetery, they made plans to take some time to visit before going home.

"How are you Dylan?" Brian asked when the brothers were alone in the kitchen.

Dylan told Brian that he was doing fairly well, as was Carla. She had put most of her focus into school to keep her mind off the loss of her mother. Dylan also revealed that Carla was going to live with him, since she couldn't stay alone. He would enjoy her company at home, but it would be different for him to have a teenager in the house.

"Oh, some teens an be difficult, but Carla is a good girl. I don't think you will have any issues with her." Brian reassured.
One of Johanna's friends graced the gathering with a few songs from the guitar. Every listened for a little bit. When Dylan and Brian came in and started a game of chess, Adelaide turned to Carla.

"Carla, dear. I hate to ask this and make you uncomfortable, but do you need somewhere to stay?" The nurturing side of Adelaide was showing heavy, she was worried about Carla.

"No, actually Uncle Dylan offered for me to stay with him. So I'll be there for a while. Not long, my birthday is not too far away and I'll be able to get my own home."

Adelaide smiled with relief, glad to hear that Carla was already set and taken care of. "Good, great. Well, just know that if you ever need anything we'll always be here for you okay? No matter what. Why don't you stay here tonight though, I know Dylan has some things to do, and Logan would love the company. The bed you used before is still in there all set up and waiting."

"Sure, I can do that. I'm really tired anyway, and want to go ahead and get to bed. It is getting late."

"Yes, I just saw Logan walk that way, he was probably going to bed too. Get some rest dear." Adelaide said.

The next morning Logan woke to find Carla just climbing out of the bed near him.

"Oh, I didn't know you stayed last night. Awesome. Sorry, if I'd have realized, I would have stayed up with you." He hesitated a second before asking, "How are you doing Carla?"

"I'm okay, thanks. It's nice to have someone my age to talk to though, sometimes talking to adults is hard. Adelaide seems really great though."

Logan nodded. "Yeah she's pretty awesome. Well, lets get ready for school."
The two teens did just that, and before long they were both out the door. Carla was planning to go to her old house to pack up some more stuff for her to bring over to Dylan's that afternoon. She was excited, yet slightly reserved about living with her uncle. She was so used to her mother, she thought this change might be a little tough. Dylan, being family, of course made it a bit easier and she was glad that he offered his home to her. If he hadn't she would have had to go into Child Services and be taken to a foster home. Close to her birthday or not, she wouldn't have handled that very well. She'd be sure to thank Dylan again when she got there after packing.


  1. Brought me just perfectly back to where we'd left off in the last entries. I'm still saddened by Johanna's death, but I think Dylan's home will be a great transitional place for Carla. It's a shame Jennifer and Logan had to leave China so abruptly, but completely expected under the circumstances. Well done, dear. It's good to be here, reading up on the Fullers once again. :)

  2. I've missed them all. I reread the last two chapters before that to make sure I was oriented correctly. Definitely tough that they had to end their vacation before planned, but good that the family would be together. I like that Carla will live with Dylan, too. I miss him but glad we get to see him from time to time. Logan is such a good kid :D

  3. I forgot to mention--the photos of the mountains at sunset and the Peregrine falcon were magnificent! :D

  4. I'm glad to see things went pretty smoothly, and I loved the falcon! For a moment I thought she was going to keep him. :)

    1. lol Actually, Inside look: She did keep it, but it died from old age only 2 days later. So I did not put that part into the story. It was a cool bird for those 2 days though!

  5. Thanks for the comments. I am so happy to be back writing, I missed it SO much.

    I am glad this was easy to get back to where you were
