Tuesday, October 18, 2011

GEN IV: Chapter 17

Brian started the morning off cussing at the sink that broke as he was brushing his teeth. He fussed and cursed as he tried to fix it, and he got it done before long.

Jennifer had woken up early and taken Logan shopping with her. She even let him pick out his own birthday cake while they were out. By ten o'clock Jennifer had to hurry and get home to put everything away so she could make the party on time. Then she went to the park where she found her father already there. That surprised her a little bit, but even more shocking was that he had put out balloons. When she saw him though, his face reflected where he would rather be - home.

Brian was trying though, to be a little better about his depression. The talk he had with Dylan made him realise that his priorities were out of line slightly. He was determined to change that a little no matter how hard it may be.

Brian made a few phone calls to people that would want to be there. He invited Dylan, Johanna, a friend from the police station and a local child. All three came for the birthday in addition to people that were already at the park.

Jennifer had the honors of holding Logan to help him blow out the candles. She set him down and let him grow, so he could have a piece of his own cake. That was the first thing he went after too. Logan could barely contain his excitement as he woofed down his slice and got up to play.

While Brian was watching his son grab his cake he noticed a woman that he hadn't invited. He figured she must have already been here. It was not a closed party after all.

When Logan finished his cake he went to find the girl that his dad invited. One of the Lobos girls. He introduced himself and they immediately went off into a game of tag.
Jennifer really didn't want to play on the swings or anything so she looked around for someone to talk to. Johanna had to leave early, something about Carla's babysitter. So she introduced herself to the woman that had been at the park when they arrived.

"Hey, I'm Jennifer, the birthday boy is Logan. How do you do?"

"Oh great, what a beautiful family. I'm Adelaide, I just moved here from Barnacle Bay. I live just across the street."

Close by, Dylan and Brian were talking about Logan getting bigger.

"I was surprised when you told me it was his birthday, I didn't think he was that old yet. Time really does fly huh?" Dylan said.

"Yeah, yeah I guess so." Brian replied, "Thanks for coming, I am sorry for the short notice. I didn't realise it was his birthday either until last night, Jenn reminded me." He looked down, "I really wish Rachel was here. It would be a better party with her."

"Hey, hey, this is great. Everyone misses her, but that will get better." Dylan said, "Well I have to run, have to work tonight. I'll see you later though?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, yeah sure." Brian said, he seemed slightly distracted.

He had noticed that Jennifer was talking to the same woman he had seen earlier. He went up to introduce himself. Not because he wanted to, but he was concerned slightly that his daughter was talking to a stranger.

"I'm Brian, Jennifer's dad. Who are you?"

"Daddy, don't be rude. This is Adelaide. She's new in town and lives just down the road. She doesn't know anyone here." Jennifer said.

Brian nodded. "Okay. Well, Jenn, it's time to get going. Nice to meet you Adelaide."

"Oh please, call me Addy. I look forward to being your neighbor." Adelaide smiled warmly at Brian but when he didn't return the smile she turned to leave. "Okay then, bye!"

When Jennifer, Brian and Logan got home Brian pulled out the present he had gotten for his little man.

Logan could not have been happier, he threw his arms in the air and cheered. Then he quickly opened up his gift; which turned out to be a baseball.

"Happy birthday son. I do hope you enjoy it." Brian said. "Maybe we can play one day soon."

Logan looked at Brian, "Daddy are you okay?" He had noted that his father hadn't been very happy lately, and still wasn't today.

Brian nodded. "I'll be fine son, thanks. It's time for bed guys. Logan you can sleep in the bed that I put in your room."

Logan gave his dad one last concerned look and went upstairs, Jennifer following shortly behind. Brian watched them as they went up the stairs. Reflecting on the conversation he just had with his son, he realised that he hadn't smiled in weeks. He missed being happy.

Brian made a phone call to the local furniture store to order a new bed and end tables. Also a couple of chairs to fill the space in his room. His room. He had no one to share it with anymore. Tears started to threaten again, but he forced them away and went to sleep on the couch.

The next morning was Monday, and Logan's first day of school. Logan spent the morning playing in the bathtub.

After a small breakfast Brian walked Jennifer and Logan to the front porch and waved goodbye to them. When the bus pulled away a woman came in to focus right across the street. She waved to Brian and walked over to talk to him.

"I'm sorry we really didn't seem to start off on the right foot yesterday. I was just walking by and saw you see your kids off to school. You have beautiful children." Adelaide said.

"Thanks. I'm Brian by the way." He was not really in the mood for company, but he did not want to be rude. "Do you want to come in for a few minutes?"

Adelaide smiled brightly. "Yes, I'd love to."

Brian showed her inside, but no further than the front door. They stood in the entryway and talked for a while. They talked about where she used to live, and the move she took. Her past and her hopeful future. Brian asked questions about her, but never volunteered any information about himself.

Somewhere toward the middle of the conversation Brian found himself involved and actually interested in what she had to say. 

"Hey, I was going to go to the Gazebo but I don't really want to go by myself. Do you have any plans?" Adelaide asked. "I really would love your company."

Brian hesitated a moment, then nodded. "Yeah sure, I'm not busy. I'll go."

Adelaide smiled, but yet again it wasn't returned. She briefly wondered why he seemed so unhappy.

At the Gazebo, Adelaide and Brian played chess together.

"So, are you married?" Adelaide asked, hoping she didn't seem forward. She was just curious, she had noted that there hadn't been a woman around in the house that she saw, nor at the party.

Brian's face remained unreadable and he hesitated just a moment before saying, "No. I'm not married. Not anymore."

"Oh okay." Something about the way he had said that made her not push the question any further.

They had been talking and playing for a few hours when the music started. Adelaide stopped playing and watched Brian for a minute.

It took him a while to realise that she wasn't actually going to move again, she was done. He sat up and looked back at her. "What? What's wrong?"

"Dance with me." Adelaide said. "Please? You seem like you need to unwind a little. Come, dance with me." 

Brian looked at Adelaide. "Really? Dance? Right here? I don't think so." 

Adelaide smiled. "Oh yes, c'mon it'll be fun." She jumped up and pulled him to his feet. They both started to sway and move to the music. Brian a little more stiff than Adelaide.

Brian hardly shuffled his feet at first, but after a while he found himself actually moving more. His walls were being let down, his guard faltering. Brian looked at Adelaide and felt a smile cross his own lips. He was smiling for the first time in a long time and it felt good. Shocking, but good.

For the first time Brian really looked at Adelaide. His first thought was that her eyes were beautiful, a vivid aqua green. His second was that she was so happy and so easy going.

Brian stopped dancing. "You know, I'm starving. Maybe I should get home."

"Oh no no, please. I don't have anything at my house to make. Will you have dinner with me? Just at the diner here. I'll pay!"

Brian looked at her again, she really didn't seem to want to be alone. "Okay sure. Then I have to get home though, it's getting dark and the kids have been by themselves."

At home, Jennifer and Logan had arrived and done their homework. They even got leftovers out and ate dinner.

Jennifer was concerned about her father being missing, but not enough to investigate. She didn't want to intrude on whatever he was doing. The only thing she worried about is him forgetting about them. She and Logan still needed him and even though he was here most times, he was still distant. She knew it was nearly impossible that he would forget, but it had crossed her mind.

Even though it was dark, Jennifer took Logan outside to play with his new ball. Logan truly enjoyed that, so did Jennifer. It made her happy to see her little brother smiling and cheerful.

Brian and Adelaide had dinner, and when they came out she said goodbye and headed for home. Brian happened to spot Johanna there though and stopped to talk to her for a moment.

"Hey Jo-Jo. How are you? You're styling your hair differently."

"Hey Brian! Wow, I'm surprised to see you. Yes, I'm going to change it back though. Where are the kids?" Johanna asked, slightly concerned. She was thinking of her conversation with Jennifer not two days ago about Brian.

"They are at home. I was just out and about, got really hungry so stopped here for dinner. I'm going home right now."

"Out and about huh? Okay. Well I'm glad to see you're getting around a little more. Jenn is worried about you. So are Dylan and I." Johanna said.

"Yeah, I think I will be okay. I'm trying to be okay." Brian said. "Anyway, I have to get back to Jenn and Logan. So I'll see you around okay?"

They embraced and Brian went home.

As he walked up the steps he realised how late it really was. The house was silent, the kids in bed already. He noted dishes in the sink so he knew they had dinner. He even washed them before going to check his room. The delivery of furniture had arrived and been set up.

Brian looked at his 'new' room and felt sorrow again because he no longer had his old stuff, or Rachel. On the other hand, he was happy that he'd be able to sleep in a bed that belonged to him.

To be continued...


  1. Wow, really great update! I loved Logan's periscope :) It's nice that in TS3 you can actually take a toddler somewhere like the park, you can't take them anywhere in TS2 and have to leave somebody with them, of course. Brian used to be so happy, can't wait until he's smiling all the time. Addy is very pretty.

  2. Addy is very pretty, and she made Brian smile for the first time in ages! Jenn is a very responsible teen, Brian is lucky to have a daughter like her. Great chapter. :)
