Friday, March 18, 2011

G III: Chapter 14

The Day started as normal as any other. Charlie at work, Daphne in bed, the boys at school and Isabel with Johanna.

"It's time for speech lessons lil' Jo-Jo!" Isabel told Johanna.

The two of them sat in the dining room and talked. Johanna had finally grasped most of the language, just a few more words to cover and she was done. Even potty training was almost complete, just one more time would cover it. The little lady was very eager to learn everything she had been starved of.

As usual, Charlie came home - greeted his family - and got on the computer to refine his writing. He was still working very hard to get his lifetime dream complete, while he could still enjoy life. He refused to retire, as most seniors do, because he was still able to work and provide for his growing family.
Dylan brought a friend home from school, they both sat at the table and had a late lunch before doing their homework together. Brian had already completed his work before his younger brother came home, and he ate with the two boys.

When Brian finished eating, he was back at his sculpting. He really enjoyed working with clay, but he was almost good enough now to work whittle some wood. Brian had saved all of his sculptures so far, but when he finally got to where he could work wood he was going to sell them for cash.
That evening Dylan said goodbye to his friend, and the family ate dinner. Early bedtimes for the kids and the workers in the family. It was only Thursday, there was school and jobs to get to the next day.

Late in the night a burglar got past the alarm downstairs. He stole the television set from the small den upstairs, but Charlie heard him bumping around. When he came out to investigate, Charlie was jumped by the crook. Unfortunately the robber won the scuffle and Charlie was knocked to his rear.

Brian heard the fight and peeked out his door. His original thought was to join in, but when he saw his father lose he changed his mind. Bravery ran in the family, every boy was born brave, but sometimes it is better to call the police. Brian dialed the number as quietly as he could.

The robber hadn't been looking for a fight and started to run out of the house, but when he opened the front door, the burglar alarm went off. He couldn't avoid it this time. He should have continued to run, but he panicked. Then the cops arrived, and another fight broke out. Again, the criminal won. Obviously he was really fit. He escaped with the television.

As devastating as it was Charlie said, "Well there is nothing we can do now. Everyone back to bed." Each went back to sleep, but none slept well at all. Charlie began to think the burglar alarm was too faulty to keep. He would check it and replace it if necessary in the morning.

Isabel started Johanna's walking lessons that day, and Charlie was lucky enough to come home from work just as the little lady was taking her very first step. He was happy to have witnessed that. Isabel tossed Johanna in the air to congratulate her, she also covered the toddler in kisses.

Brian came home from school just a little while longer, did his homework and had a snack.

Then he was right back at doing his sculptures. He finished his final clay work, and moved on to a huge block of wood. It was more expensive to buy the wood, but he was sure it would be worth it in the end. After all his sculptures would be more sturdy, and worth more.

Dylan started a hobby of his own, painting. Cedric had left behind his easel and Dylan found it in the basement. He had never really thought of painting before, but figured he would give it a shot. He was looking for a hobby to do, like his big brother.

Johanna finished up her walking lessons with Isabel. Pretty soon she would be walking all over the house without assistance. The only thing she would need help with would be food. Johanna had become quite a happy baby, and easy to take care of. She wasn't very demanding at all. The family was learning more about her as the days passed. She was a good baby, but a very light sleeper. Any little noise would wake her at night.

When Johanna did wake up in the middle of the night, it was always Daphne that took care of her. She would tickle and cuddle her, then give her a late night snack. If Johanna wasn't ready for bed yet Daphne would stay and play with her.

"Jo-Jo, Where does the blue square go?" Daphne would ask.

"Wight dere!" Johanna replied and shoved the block into place. Then she would clap and giggle, which was Daphne's favorite part. Johanna had the most precious giggle, and the whole family did everything they could, every day, to hear it.

In the morning, Daphne would go to bed while the rest of the family went about their business. On the weekends she didn't sleep as late as normal, so she could spend more time with the whole family.

Isabel called James to see if he would be coming over today. She wanted Johanna nice and clean and ready to go if her father was coming.

"I sure am, I'll be there in about an hour." James told Isabel.

James arrived in less than that, and had breakfast with everyone. Brian wasn't too hungry so he only had a box of juice. When he was done he put it in the garbage compressor, and it broke.

"Don't worry son, I'll take care of it soon." Charlie called to Brian. Soon enough, Charlie was in there fixing the machine.

As he was working, Charlie's screwdriver slipped and landed in a hole that it shouldn't have. Unfortunately that hole was powered, and it sent a huge shock through Charlie's entire body. Charlie couldn't move, the electric current was too strong. Maybe if Charlie had been a little younger, he could have handled it better and come out without a scratch. As it was though, Charlie was a senior and that electric shock was too much for him, so his heart gave out.

Everyone heard Charlie's screams and rushed to the kitchen, but by the time they got there it was too late. Charlie was gone. His body still twitched slightly because the current hadn't left completely.

Unseen by his family, Charlie's spirit lifted from his body and begged Death for more time. He was taken to suddenly, he hadn't even thought of this yet.

"What will my family do without me?" He pleaded.

Death waved Charlie up, and showed him the urn. Charlie understood the gesture, and hung his head. He gave one more glance to Daphne, when he saw her tears he hurt more than he had when he died. Charlie dove into the urn without another argument.

Charlie left his family. They remained and cried. No one was ready for that, even though Charlie and Daphne were seniors, no one ever thought about what would happen if one of them left. Isabel was aware of her age, and knew she could go anytime. The family was as prepared as they could be for that, but for Charlie - it never crossed a mind.

The whole family remained in shock and cried for hours. No one could bring themselves to enter the kitchen again, nor finish fixing the trash machine. It would be sold as soon as they could manage it.

Dylan was thoroughly saddened. His birthday was tomorrow, and he had lost his father. The only father he had ever known. Isabel had told Dylan that his real father was no longer with them, and neither was his mother. Isabel spared the details though. Since he was told, Dylan respected Daphne and Charlie more than ever, and loved them as his parents. Charlie had been his hero and role model. Now Dylan felt empty. What would he do without him? That night Dylan vowed to be as much like Charlie as he could, even hold the same job when he was old enough. His lifetime wish was to be a Star News Anchor, just like his father.


  1. Nooooooo! Not Charlie! Too soon :( It seems we just lost Hayden, then Charlie became a senior so soon and now this. So sad. I had other comments about other things in the update that I was going to make before Charlie died but I'll wait a while and come back..

  2. What!? Wow! No!!! That seriously caught me off guard, I wasn't expecting it... Poor Charlie, I hope Daphne can get through this...

  3. Charlie!! :'( I wasn't ready for him to leave yet - not Charlie, he was such a great sim. :(
