Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Heart Broken

Okay, I have come to discover that I cannot play the Fuller family. At all. I don't know what it is, but no matter what I do - they are glitched. I even seperated David from the family and moved him to a new town and new house. Still glitched.

I can play other games without any issues. I've been fighting these problems with them for a long time now, but they've gotten too out of hand. So I am forced to ... stop playing them.

My question to you is...

Should I start another? Would you read it?


  1. You should leave the Fuller Legacy up still. There's enough generations to keep it still interesting to new people. It's a testament to them. My heart breaks for you.

    Do you think this is some sort of built-in glitch when a family gets a certain number of generations? If so, it's really stinky of EA Games...

  2. I'm sad to read this. Such a shame. I'm heart broken with you. As for reading a new one, my poll answer was 'OF COURSE!' I love your Fullers, but it's because of the stories you write that your families are lovable. I'm in, for sure.
